Bowling Center Manager to Compete in USBC Masters
Jesse Gibson, manager of the Wabash Cannon Bowl, will compete in the United States Bowling Congress (USBC) Masters tournament Feb. 19-26 in Las Vegas. Considered the sport’s most prestigious event, the Masters opens with each competitor bowling five games per day for three days. More than 380 bowlers will first be narrowed to 64, then gradually to the final five, who will compete in the live televised finals on Feb. 26.
Gibson, who also teaches Beginning and Intermediate Bowling at K-State, has bowled competitively since 2006. His preparation has been both mental and physical, including reading mental preparedness books, proper diet and exercise, and “endless hours of practice.” He is taking eight bowling balls to the Masters, likening the varying ball balances needed to hook into different pin arrangements to a golfer selecting a club. This is his first appearance at the USBC Masters, and he’s looking forward to “testing [his] abilities against the best in the world.”
Visit the Wabash Cannon Bowl for more information or call 785-532-6562.