Union Governing Board

2023 UGB Group

The K-State Student Union Governing Board (UGB) serves as the general governing and policy-making body of the Union. UGB consists of 18 voting members: 14 students and four faculty members or administrators. Non-voting members of the Union staff include a programming staff member, an operations staff member, the administrative assistant and an ex-officio member. 

Five of the student positions are appointed from entities on campus, including one representative each from Student Senate, Union Program Council, K-State Alumni Association Student Alumni Board, Union Ambassadors, Graduate Student Council and a representative from any organization categorized as multicultural with the Office of Student Activities and Services.

The student body elects the eight remaining student positions during the Student Governing Association general election in March. Voting members of UGB elect the president, vice president and secretary offices.

Those interested in running for UGB office must file for Student Governing Association general elections by logging into KSIS.


President/Student at Large

Carson Cuesta Senior, Political Science
Co-Vice President/UPC Representative Samantha Suchanek

Junior, Political Science

Co-Vice President/Student at Large Vivian Griffith

Junior, Biology

Graduate Student Council Representative Anuththara Karunarathn Grad Council, Rep Graduate Teaching Assistant, Chemistry
MSO Representative Alondra Alvarez Freshman, Political Science
Student Alumni Board Representative

Carter Warta

Junior, Industrial Engineering
Student Senate Representative

Brian Blood

Junior, Industrial Engineering

Student at Large

Alondra Alvarez

Sophomore, Political Science

Student at Large Avery Hafliger Sophomore, Statistics & Data Science
Student at Large

Alexa Heseltine

Junior, Public Health

Student at Large

Evelynn Edger

Sophomore, Political Science
Student at Large

Bently Taulbert

Junior, Political Science

Faculty/Admin Representatives


Anthony Warnick

Clint Hafliger

Kathleen Hatch

Assistant Professor, Art Department

Director, Recreational Services

Vice President, Student Well-being

Alumni Staff Representative


Union Staff Representatives

John Kessler

Audrey Taggart-Kagdis

Assistant Director, Retail Services

Assistant Director/Director of Marketing

Appointed by UGB President Bill Muir Ex-Officio
Union Director Craig Johnson Interim Executive Director

Union Assistant

Marissa Fitts

Executive Assistant


Phone: 785-532-7301

Email: msfitts@k-state.edu