2021-2022 Leadership Selected for Union Organizations
The leadership teams for several K-State Student Union organizations have been set for the 2021-2022 academic year. The Union looks forward to another great year of events and opportunities thanks to the hard work and dedication of these individuals.
Union Ambassadors
Union Ambassadors provide outstanding student leaders with the opportunity to promote the Union to prospective students, on-campus organizations and the Manhattan and K-State communities.
Union Ambassadors are the face and voice of the Union. Ambassadors represent the student spirit of the Union, serving as the initial contact point through various customer interactions and are the liaisons between campus organizations and living environments and the Union. They are expected to assist with major campus recruitment events and be actively involved in the K-State community.
Executive Board
Lead Ambassador: Mikayla Quinn, senior in kinesiology, pre-occupational therapy, gerontology
Fraternity and Sorority Life Community Lead: Madie Gruhn, freshman in business administration
Residence Life Community Lead: Tram Pham, junior in accounting
K-State Community Lead: Lauren Wilson, junior in geography
2021-22 Union Ambassadors
Karly Brungardt, senior in leadership studies, bakery science and management; Shelby Cope, senior in psychology; Kenzie Decklar, sophomore in kinesiology; Evangelina Gallardo, senior in nutrition and kinesiology; Rachel Green, junior in pre-physical therapy, gerontology, kinesiology; Brandon Kirmer, sophomore in architecture; Chloe Langer, freshman in animal sciences, Kirsten Lortscher, sophomore in business administration; Aliza Swan, senior in professional strategic selling
Union Program Council
Union Program Council (UPC) has selected its executive board and committee co-chairs for 2020-2021. UPC plans more than 160 entertaining, educational, cultural and substance-free events each year for K-State students and the Manhattan community.
Executive Board
President: Ethan Doherty, master's in interior architecture and product design
VP for Membership: Tate Fox, senior in communication studies
VP for Operations: John Wills, junior in computer science
Committee Co-Chairs
After Hours: Carly Temming, master's in architecture; Clay White, junior in management
Arts/Films: Prasanth Chandran, Ph.D. in psychology; Sophia Palcic, senior in park management and conservation
Campus Entertainment Fund: Blane Locke, sophomore in political science; Ivy Bogle, senior in hospitality management and hospitality administration
Community: Olivia Roberts, senior in elementary education; Payton Day, sophomore in park management and conservation
Multicultural: Kotis Atkinson, sophomore in business administration; Jason Kim, freshman in biology
Music: TBD
Union Governing Board
The Union Governing Board (UGB) serves as the general governing and policy-making body of the Union. UGB consists of 18 voting members: 14 students and four faculty members or administrators. Non-voting members of the Union staff include a programming staff member, an operations staff member, the executive assistant and an ex-officio member.
President/Student at Large: Ashley Elliott, junior in elementary education
Co-Vice President/Student Senate Representative: Payton Lynn, sophomore in secondary education
Co-Vice President/Student at Large: Matthew Swords, senior in accounting
Graduate Student Council Representative: TBD
MSO Representative: TBD
Student Alumni Board Representative: Megan Klug, senior in personal finance planning
Union Ambassadors Representative: Mikayla Quinn, senior in kinesiology, pre-occupational therapy and gerontology
Union Program Council Representative: Ethan Doherty, master's in interior architecture and product design
Students at Large: Jacob Brown, senior in mechanical engineering; Preston Gallagher, junior in architecture; Gerardo Hernandez, sophomore in animal sciences; Marcus Kidd, Ph.D. in counseling and student development; Nathan Vontz, senior in computer engineering; Sara Wallace, senior in biochemistry
Faculty/Administration Representatives: Anthony Warnick, assistant professor, Art Department; Ryan Leimkuehler, assistant professor, K-State Libraries; Steve Martini, director, Peters Recreational Services
Alumni Staff Representative: Lauren Chard, Alumni Center Manager, Alumni
Union Staff Representatives: Jeff Clark, assistant director, Retail Services; Naomi Rodriguez, event programmer/program advisor, Union Program Council
Appointed by UGB President: Bill Muir, ex-officio
Union Director: Corey Williamson, executive director
Union Executive Assistant: Medina Roynon, secretary/recorder
Union Corporation Board
The K-State Student Union Corporation Board is an eight-member panel whose role is to direct, advise and vote on matters of business for the K-State Union Corporation. Members of the Board include three K-State students elected by the Union Governing Board, chief of staff/director of community relations, the vice president for student life, the vice president for administration and finance, a K-State faculty member and the executive director of the Union as a non-voting member.
President: Ashley Elliott, junior in elementary education
Co-Vice President: Payton Lynn, sophomore in secondary education
Co-Vice President: Matthew Swords, senior in accounting