Leaders Recognized at 2024 Student Organizations Awards

Six people standing in front of a stage, each holding a purple plaque.

Kansas State University's recognized student organizations (RSOs) had a remarkable year in 2024. The fall semester featured the largest Activities Carnival in a decade, surpassing 5,700 students in attendance to explore a diverse array of clubs and organizations. Currently, more than 11,000 students participate in at least one club or organization, with an average group size of 44 members. Throughout the year, student groups organized approximately 2,500 events—averaging nearly 50 events per week!

To honor their dedication, Student Programs and Involvement (SPI) hosted the annual Student Organization Awards Tuesday, Feb. 25, in the K-State Student Union Courtyard. The event celebrated the outstanding achievements of K-State’s student leaders, advisors and organizations. SPI received 98 award nominations, showcasing the collective efforts across the K-State community to foster a sense of well-being and belonging among students.

Award recipients were:

  • Advisor of the Year: Sara Kearns, advisor to the K-State Libraries Ambassadors, nominated by the K-State Libraries Ambassadors.
  • Commitment to Inclusion and Belonging: Pakistan Student Association, nominated by the Pakistan Student Association.
  • Student Leader of the Year: Gwyneth Fry, Alpha of Clovia Inc., nominated by Colleen Rittmann, advisor, and Emma Kasselman, vice president.
  • Student Organization Event of the Year: Speech Contest, Agricultural Education Club, nominated by Brandie Disberger.
  • Student Organization of the Year: Popenoe Entomology Club, nominated by Popenoe Entomology Club.

The Union’s mission is to serve all, especially students, with facilities that provide services, programs, leadership experiences and educational opportunities which foster a sense of well-being and belonging.