Week of Welcome Planning Meeting

Week of Welcome logo with Willie on a purple background

Kansas State University’s Week of Welcome is a semi-annual, university-wide event series designed to foster students’ sense of belonging, build community and connect students to involvement opportunities and campus resources. WOW takes place during the first week of class each fall and spring semester.

University colleges, departments and recognized student organizations are invited to plan and host events during WOW from August 19-25, 2024. A campus-wide planning meeting will be at 11 a.m., Tuesday, June 25 in Union 114 (SPI conference room) or via Zoom. All are invited to attend. Please RSVP in OrgCentral.

The priority deadline to register to host an event is Friday, July 12. More information about event registration can be found here.  

For additional information, contact Sara Heiman at sjheiman@k-state.edu.

The Union’s mission is to serve all, especially students, with facilities that provide services, programs, leadership experiences and educational opportunities which foster a sense of wellbeing and belonging in an inclusive community.