2025 Summer Textbook Adoptions

Pile of Books

Please help us support student success by submitting spring 2025 course material requests to the K-State Campus Store by the end of business Saturday, March 22, 2025.

Adoptions will be submitted using the K-State Campus Store’s updated online adoption tool - Welcome to Follett Discover!

How to submit adoptions using Follett Discover:

  1. Log into Follett Discover using your K-State eID. You may be automatically directed to the page if you are already signed into the system.
  2. Select “Adopt by Section” to the far right to adopt for a single section.
  3. Select the materials in your Adoption List and then click the “Adopt Selected Items” button on the bottom right of the page.
*Past adoptions for the same course also appear in the Adoption List for easy readoptions. You can also use the Search Bar to find materials by ISBN or keyword to add to your Adoption List.

There are two main pages relevant to adoptions –  the Open Adoptions page and the Submitted Adoptions page. Use the navigation sidebar to the far left to access the pages.

  • Open Adoptions page: Courses are represented as a list to the right of the navigation sidebar and under the department selector. The Adoption List enables material review before submission to the store. Materials can include a combination of publisher titles, supplies and OER options (open education resources).
  • Submitted Adoptions page: See the status of adoptions and adopt materials even after submissions

More instruction details can be found at the Discover Adoption Experience.

For questions or additional information regarding course materials adoptions, please contact Jerry Birchfield at 1336txt@follett.com.

The K-State Campus Store is charged with reporting textbook adoptions pursuant to the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008. To assure compliance with the law, submit all adoptions, as well as all supplementary materials, including course packets and any other supplies, so that the K-State Campus Store may post that information.

As the official university bookstore, the K-State Campus Store is required to have course packets available for students to through KSIS. Submit a master copy of any and all course packets, either in PDF or hardcopy form to the store. Course packets containing copyrighted material may take up to six weeks to process.